How to Transition to Fall
As I sit here ready for cooler weather, my house looks like it’s prepared to stay in summer mode.
I don’t know about you, but changing out décor is like taking the clothes out of the dryer, folding them, and putting them away. It’s tedious, and while I enjoy doing it, I know it may take me a full weekend to accomplish it. Which is both ridiculous, and unnecessary, but I don’t care.
My first step is to gather all the new items I’ve bought, with no thought process as to where they will go and combine it with everything I already own. I broke the promise with myself to not buy any new décor this year. I break it every year. I have about every texture of pumpkin you can imagine. Apparently if it’s got a stem, I’ve got a room. The colors of fall seem to go so naturally in our home-perhaps that’s why it’s so easy to add to cart. I love getting items from many different places, hoping to find things that are a little more unique, and some stuff that’s not so unique.
Frequent sites I visit: Wal-Mart, Anthropologie, Target, and Pottery Barn.
I personally think stems are a great way to add some color, texture, and the right touch of fall, without being too aggressive. The deep purples, and browns are really speaking to me this year, and they are EVERYWHERE. I will say, Target is really thriving in the faux fall plant department at the moment. I normally never purchase without seeing them in person, but what can I say, your girl is easily influenced. However, I feel like I really lucked out, because they were both so great, I bought them twice. If you’re on the hunt, you will find some of the best at The Old Mango in Overland Park, KS, and The Feathered Nest in Belleville, KS. You’ll also find that some pretty stellar people own, and work in these places. So get out there, and get what you need, or in my case, don’t need.
Also, if you’re feeling uninspired, scroll some sites, and flip through some magazines. You’re bound to find something that suits you, and it may even spark some ideas with items you already have, without feeling the need to buy new. I simply just mix, and match until I’m satisfied, or genuinely irritated.
So while you're transitioning to fall this year, or if you’re not, just know I’ve probably been staring at the same shelf for 2 hours, and eventually I got pissed, and moved onto something else. Here’s to hoping for a smooth transition.
Blog by Alexa Poore
My name is Alexa, and I’m looking to share some of my favorite things, some unnecessary things, but mostly, all the things.
Home décor is what brings me joy, but in this space you will find anything from clothes, to cocktails, to candlesticks.
Thanks for stopping by.